Emma at 5 Months

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At the end of March was your very first Easter. Your Grandma and Grandpa stopped by a few days before Easter to bring you a beautiful gift and basket. While you are too young to enjoy the chocolate you seemed excited anyway.


Your personality is growing so much. It is easier to catch you smiling and even giggling a bit. You sound a bit like a monster when you giggle.

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You and Tigger really started to bond this month. You became more aware that he is hanging around. You reach for him when he is near and even smile at him.


The spring weather is finally arriving which meant cute spring outfits for you and a puffy eye for me because of allergies.


You and daddy had a few daddy daughter dates while I was busy with school stuff. It is fun watching you two goof off and play together.




We started taking you for walks in the stroller without the carseat insert. You like to look around and see more.

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You’ve gained an interest in toys and grabbing things… and trying to get them in your mouth.


The biggest change for you this month was food. At your 4 month check up the doctor said to start you on rice cereal. You seemed to do really well and be interested in the food. After two weeks you had your first non-rice cereal meal of squash. You aren’t sure about the taste yet but still eat your whole dinner!


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