You have started to outgrow your perfect sleepy newborn stage and have more hours of alertness, and more hours of fussiness.
You almost instantly settle down when your daddy starts singing to you in German and dancing around.
Your favorite song is Maedchen Lach Doch Mal by the Wise Guys, performed by your daddy.
Your favorite books are The Very Hungry Caterpillar/Die Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt and Animals/Tiere.
The animals have adjusted to you being here. Lucy wants nothing to do with you, Penny wants to protect you, and Tigger wants to rub against you.
You love to eat and have no problems breastfeeding or taking a bottle from your daddy.
You’ve started using a pacifier once and awhile but you don’t want it when you are really upset.
You celebrated your first Christmas.
You were with us when we scored our first ever perfect game at Trivia on your dad’s birthday.
You have met Grandma and Grandpa Glatczak, Oma Verber, and Uncle Aaron.