We tried to get as much done in the nursery as possible before we both started back to school. All the major components are there and ready. We are just waiting on the alphabet to hang on the wall and then to add a few more decorations to the wall once that main point is there.
Neither Jason nor I are into things being overly girly… so we had decided on our basic nursery theme long before we even knew the gender of little Emma. We want to foster a love of learning and reading so a book/Dr. Seuss theme just seemed appropriate. I found a bedding set I liked that came in great vibrant colors and the rest was history.
The hardest part was actually finding a rocker/glider. The current most popular versions are wood framed with cushions on them. They all looked ok, but there weren’t many you could actually sit in and try and with some of those that you could try it was easy to see that after a few hours or even less they weren’t that comfortable. Thanks to some prodding from my family I decided to go with an actual furniture recliner. It will be great to even sleep in if needed and would work outside of the nursery someday as well.
Author: DebAnn
Returning – Part Two
After returning from Europe we began to get the house and nursery ready for the baby. We made a quick trip up to Wisconsin since we hadn’t been there in over 3 years probably. We got to hang out with Abbie and my family threw together a quick but great baby shower. It was so strange getting to see the flower girl and ring bearer from our wedding, only 8 years older!
When we returned from Wisconsin it was finally time to find out the gender, and we were finally able to say that we would be welcoming little girl Emma Leigh Verber into our family.
Since then we have both returned to work for the year and have been keeping busy but trying to enjoy our last few months as a family of two. I am now almost 29 weeks along. Emma is a mover and I can feel her moving almost all day long. Â It is crazy to think that in just 10-11 weeks our world will be so different than it is today…
Returning? Part one
Recently I have been thinking about blogging… and thinking about wanting to start up again. I have been blogging off and on since 2000 and I was starting to miss it.  So here I am. No guarantees I will keep it up but it’s worth a shot. I have always loved how my blog was like a record of events, Twitter and Facebook just don’t have that same appeal… And there are so many upcoming events that need recording. 🙂
I will start by saying that instead of blogging I have been busy having the best spring and summer of my life. It has been absolutely magical and perfect in almost every way. Â In early April we found out we would be having our first child. We hadn’t been actively timing it out and trying but we weren’t stopping it from happening either…. We were both thrilled. Jason has been ready for awhile, I was always too nervous about things like money or jobs, but if you keep waiting around for all those things to be perfect it will never happen. So i’m glad it just happened…
During the summer Jason had a 5 week long research trip to Europe planned out already. We had talked briefly about how great it would be for me to join him for a week or so… but the baby news put $ on my mind and that out of the picture. Well as is frequently the case, my great family decided this was one of our last chances to run off to Europe together without the worries of a family tying us down… so they helped to make a week in Paris happen. It was fabulous. I have visited Jason in Germany many times, he had been to Paris once but talked about how he tried to save so many moments so that we could do them together one day… and that one day finally happened.
I was at the end of my first trimester while there… Feeling good and still mostly like myself, just a little tired. He would work at the archives each day until 1 while I slept at the apartment we rented, then he would come home and we would spend the night exploring Paris together, it was perfect. Â Having a whole week really allowed us to take our time and still do everything we wanted. Including a trip through the chunnel to spend a day touring London, just one month before the Olympics.